About us

Marc and Chris are two creatives who became friends. Chris is the owner of Skyline Media, a creative studio out of Salzburg and Marc is a professional photographer and Leica ambassador.

They both bring an immense skillset for this project to make it extra special and create and unparalleled high quality content.


A biologist by education, a photographer by profession and a changemaker by heart.

“My aim is to make the unseen visible. Only what you see you will love, and only what you love you are going to protect”.

Marc’s early research were lemon sharks in the Bahamas and mountain gorillas in Uganda. After Uganda he spent one year at the UNESCO World Heritage Okavango Delta in Botswana studying social bonds of female Chacma Baboons. A year he describes as being transcendent because: “You are confront-ed with your own thoughts for 24/7 and that really does something to you. Living in a tent, getting in potential fatal situations on a daily basis made me realize what I want to do with my life. I want to use my camera as a tool for conservation.” In this magnificent place his passion for photography and nature observation was born.


Marc Stickler ist Initiator des Projekts Expedition Kilimanjaro

Marc Stickler

Photographer & Explorer
Impact Imagery
Leica Ambassador

Chris Perkles unterstützt das Projekt Expedition Kilimanjaro

Chris Perkles

Film Production
Skyline Media

Daniel Bögl

Fotografie Skyline Media